Tuesday 18 October 2011


I am currently working on tb project in radio ftii. This work is very different from what we normally hear on other radio channels. This is a community radio. where in we we i.e. community has to work to create a program. This radio works on democracy principle that is for the people of the people and by the people. Here we even have to take community meetings. This projects name is -project axkshay kshyavar vijay. In this project we took help of puppets to start up the project. We ourselves had made those puppets. For this project we often have to go for field work to obtain bites and information. We interview doctors and even people who were affected by t.b. and dots providers. We compile all this information into a radio episode of 30 mins. this episode is full of skits, information, bites, slogans. We record bites with the help of portable recorder and the rest recordings are done in radio ftii's studio. Editing takes lot of  tine and is very tedious job. This episode is broadcast ed on every Tuesday and Friday at 1.30 pm and 4.30 pm. This project consist of 16 episodes. This experience was very new and i learned a lot through this experience. Radio ftii always  open for new resources. They are in need for volunteers for recordings, field works, editing and contain creation. staff their is very co operative and help you to explore more of your capacities.This is very great opportunity to develop individually and share your knowledge with other who are interested. So keep developing and sharing.

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