Wednesday 16 November 2011

A GIRL'S LIFE (part 1)

A girls life is full of struggle. It starts even before her birth that is when she is in her mother's womb seeing and feeling the world by the help of her mother.she struggles to come into this world as many people try to kill her just because she is a girl.then she struggles with neglect. She is neglected by family members.Her mind and body both suffer and have adverse effect of this neglect. Then she tris to be like other boyes and men around her. She wants to become one of them wants to get acsepted. She strives hard but gets scoled at.She is then pressurised to do household work. She wants to go to school. Wants to get educated. But again, she is kept at home. Then she is married to a boy which she has never seen and that marraige is also without her concern and aganist her will. She know has to adjust to this new environment. In husbands house also she has no voice.She is always dominated and treated like a slave. no one appriciates her work. Along with all this mental problems she has to face the pain of pregnancy and delivery. After few years when her son grows up he also dosent give her any importance as he has seen her being treated that way so he follow their suit. She strives hard for family and dies a pittyfuf death.
            this senario is common in many parts of the world. in india women are still facing all these problems. i think we need to change. all indians must came together and do there best to improve this condition. so unite people. and fight for her rights

Thursday 10 November 2011


To live with a painter is very very difficult. They are a bit weird and whimsical people.What will they do & when just cant be anticipated. eg they may ask you to prepare their dinner at 2 o'clock at night. They will wear any thing they want and will rome the city in that painted clothes. They are in their own world. My hubby is not at all different than any other painter. He is a freelancer. For me to adjust to this was a bit of test. This can be done. This is hard but not impossible task. These painters or artists are very sensitive and good at heart. There is a lot to learn when you are with this kind of people. You see world in a very different world altogether, and they give you these eyes to look at world in that way. It  is a test of your patience. These people are like blot papers. They continuously take in information & and they have art of painting by which they express the blotted information. It feels brilliant when you see a painting come to live by your own eyes. Its like his own baby. I am proud to be a painter's wife. And will always be.


Many a times we think about what we are doing? Is this what we want? Is this the thing we strive for? I often ask these questions to me when I am alone. We live in a very competitive world. Is this the life we want? Do we really want to compete with one another? What do we get from that? I personally believe that we need no competition. We need to be free to do what we want and how much we want. Just because he\she is good at it doesn't make you good at it. Every one has their strong points. We have to work on these strong points and move forward. We not only are ourselves sinking in this sea but are even drowning our children. From the very childhood we say that we live in competitive world, you have to score more marks etc. is this right? Why are we spoiling their lives? Who gave us this right? let them do what they wish. Let them be free, let them enjoy. We strive for our childhood so i think we know what it means. So do not compete. If you want to  then compete with your own selves.

Saturday 29 October 2011


I always referred to Wikipedia for my practicals. I use to copy information from wiki to my submissions, but this year my teacher introduced to us some new practicals where we had to edit and write new articles on Wikipedia. I was excited to do so but also thought that is it possible to edit wiki? The answer to this question is yes. Anyone can edit on wiki. It is millions of users like us who contribute to wiki's articles. The procedure is very simple choose the article and press edit button on the right hand corner. As simple as that.  You just write your matter in that edit box and do not forget to write edit summary. It is always better if you have your account on wiki. It has same procedure as that of a Google account. the important  thing is the the matter you edit or write should always have proper reference. You tube and blogs are not allow as reference. You can use any other cite or books or  news articles for referencing. Even the forma is ready for you. 
       So, I think we should all contribute to wiki as there are millions waiting for that information and don't forget viewers as well. So keep editing wikians and all the best

Tuesday 18 October 2011


I am currently working on tb project in radio ftii. This work is very different from what we normally hear on other radio channels. This is a community radio. where in we we i.e. community has to work to create a program. This radio works on democracy principle that is for the people of the people and by the people. Here we even have to take community meetings. This projects name is -project axkshay kshyavar vijay. In this project we took help of puppets to start up the project. We ourselves had made those puppets. For this project we often have to go for field work to obtain bites and information. We interview doctors and even people who were affected by t.b. and dots providers. We compile all this information into a radio episode of 30 mins. this episode is full of skits, information, bites, slogans. We record bites with the help of portable recorder and the rest recordings are done in radio ftii's studio. Editing takes lot of  tine and is very tedious job. This episode is broadcast ed on every Tuesday and Friday at 1.30 pm and 4.30 pm. This project consist of 16 episodes. This experience was very new and i learned a lot through this experience. Radio ftii always  open for new resources. They are in need for volunteers for recordings, field works, editing and contain creation. staff their is very co operative and help you to explore more of your capacities.This is very great opportunity to develop individually and share your knowledge with other who are interested. So keep developing and sharing.

Saturday 1 October 2011

welcome excitement

Hi there. This will be my first post .I am a bit excited about it but  am also a little nerves to start a blog write in it.there are hundreds of questions going in my mind. like- will any one read my blog? will that blog be up to the mark? etc but it is better to start off and improve on the way. So welcome you all  and thanks for visiting my blog. Nervousness is griping me so i think i will stop for now and come prepaid with wonderful surprise for my next post.See u next time with some interesting things to talk about.